Saturday, December 22, 2007


Glovebox is one of those bands that need to be mainstream. The band hails from Australia and their music sounds like 80's Synth Pop/Electro era. The single Toyko beats keeps my head bobbing and makes me want to dance all night! The lead singer Mishka and manager, Lisa have been a big supporter of what I'm trying to do at Eclectricity I have a segment every Friday from 8-9pm EST for artists that I feel should be known worldwide. I think authenticity and a fresh sound should be considered as far as radio is concerned, but instead we get the same old shit! I mean don't get me wrong there are some bands or artists out, that deserve airplay and number one hits on Billboard, but if I hear Soulja Boy/Girl one more time, I'm going to scream. It's about time that we a music lovers open our ears and recognize some damn good music and Glovebox definitely has that sound. I stumbled upon them on myspace when I was searching for artists do do voice overs for the station. So make sure you check them out and leave a message on myspace telling the band where you heard about them. Also check out their myspace page.

Buy it at Insound!

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